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    Build an App with React Suspense: Intro and Setup
    8m 3s

Build an App with React Suspense: Intro and Setup

Michael Chan
InstructorMichael Chan

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We're going to have a great time exploring React's experimental Concurrent Mode. Concurrent Mode is an exciting leap forward in user interface development. It allows us to describe user interface transitions in beautiful detail.

Apps aren't static. They move — responding to user input as they dart back and forth to the internet for data. Concurrent Mode and Suspense give us a language for those movements.

In this video we talk project setup, how to find help, and what to expect from this very exciting, very experimental feature.

This course is narrowly focused on Concurrent Mode and Suspense. We will not cover adjacent topics like styling or code organization.

Etenne-Joseph Charles
Etenne-Joseph Charles
~ 5 years ago

Is there a reason why when I decided to use npm i instead of yarn that it didn't work ? I got the following error using npm.

"TypeError: react_dom__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1___default.a.createRoot is not a function"

Michael Chan
Michael Chaninstructor
~ 5 years ago

This is very strange. I was able to reproduce the issue but am not sure why this is happening. It appears that npm is not able to resolve the experimental react-dom module — producing the createRoot is not a function Error. Coincidentally, when I run yarn to fetch the initial dependencies, I have no trouble running npm start for subsequent. I will investigate further but, for now, at least the initial instal must be done with yarn.