1. 20
    Adding data to a DynamoDB table with put operation
    2m 41s

Adding data to a DynamoDB table with put operation

Tomasz Łakomy
InstructorTomasz Łakomy

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In this quick lesson we're going to expand our todoHandler.ts lambda function in order to implement a addTodoItem method with AWS.DynamoDB.DocumentClient put operation

~ 5 years ago

When testing the api in insomnia or postman with a put request, my response is 500 error "todo is missing" even though it successfully adds the item to the database.

When I mouse over the 'todo' in the return statement in:

if (httpMethod === "POST") { const todo = await addTodoItem(data); return todo ? createResponse(${todo} added to the database) : createResponse("Todo is missing", 500); }

I'm getting a warning in my editor (VScode) that "an expression of type 'void' cannot be tested for truthiness". I suspect that's the cause however I'm not sure how to fix it. I'll update if I find a solution.

~ 5 years ago

I was missing the last "return todo;" statement in the addTodoItem function. Makes sense it couldn't be evaluated.

Tunca Tunc
Tunca Tunc
~ 4 years ago

todoHandler.handler lambda function cannot be found when invoked It only worked after I compiled with tsc and todoHandler.js is generated.