Understand OpaqueToken in Angular

Pascal Precht
InstructorPascal Precht

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When using provider string tokens, there’s a chance they collide with other third-party tokens. Angular has with the concept of opaque tokens, that allow us to make whatever token we use unique, so we don’t run into collision problems. In this lesson we’ll explore how they work.

~ 8 years ago

What about using a Symbol

jason huang
jason huang
~ 8 years ago

If we change the third-party to also use an opaque token How does Angular know which 'API_URL' token to use ?

<pre><code> providers: [ DataService, ConsoleService, { provideL LogDebugger, useFactory: (consoleService) => { return new LogDebugger(consoleService, true); }, deps: [ConsoleService] }, { provide: API_URL , useValue: 'http://localhost:4200/api'; }, THIRD_PARTY_PROVIDERS ] </code></pre>
Erik Nijland
Erik Nijland
~ 8 years ago

This is deprecated since Angular 4. They're recommending a switch to InjectionToken.