illustration for Use Objective C, Swift and Java api’s in NativeScript for Angular iOS and Android apps

Use Objective C, Swift and Java api’s in NativeScript for Angular iOS and Android apps


Nathan Walker
1h 9m closed-captioning
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NativeScript has the ability to write Objective C, Swift and Java apis directly from JavaScript and TypeScript.

In this course, we will learn how to code directly against these native api’s with NativeScript for Angular. Many libraries are written and published in these languages. With NativeScript you are no longer limited to just JavaScript based libs, but have direct access to these api’s right from JavaScript/TypeScript. Let’s look at how to include these native libraries internally to your project as well as build public plugins to share with the community.

We will cover some considerations with Objective C and Swift based libraries as well as Java/Android libraries. You can think of CocoaPod, Gradle, and Android Arsenal like npm for native libs. iOS libraries can be found via CocoaPods, Android libraries can be found via Gradle or Android Arsenal.

Let’s also cover how to write custom view components based on native libs since there are considerations for both iOS and Android. Lastly we will learn how to best handle cases where a plugin/library only supports 1 platform.

Learner Reviews

  • MindDoc
    6 years ago
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    What did you like about this course?

    Finally Understand how to create native code on nativescript. I suppose the same principles works for VueJs

  • Lars Støttrup Nielsen
    6 years ago
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    What would make this course a 7 for you?

    A bit slower paced. We humans are never at 100% concentration, and generally learn by repetition. Important facts should be stressed multiple times. It would also be nice if the course was updated to NS 4.0+, because it's unclear if everything is still the same.

    But overall a pretty good course. :-)

Course Content

1h 9m • 12 lessons

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