illustration for Deploy Ghost to AWS using RDS and EC2

Deploy Ghost to AWS using RDS and EC2


Sam Julien
40m closed-captioning
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One of the hardest parts of learning AWS is understanding how the different moving parts work together.

In this course, we tackle a real-world project of deploying the blogging platform Ghost to AWS using EC2 (the server where Ghost will run) and RDS (a relational database for Ghost to store data).

This course ties together skills like networking, SSH, and using the command line while getting a realistic full-stack platform up and running.

Whether you're studying for a certificate like Certified Cloud Practitioner or just learning for fun, this hands-on project will be a great way to dig in and get some practice!


Kamil Khadeyev (illustration)

What you'll learn:

  • Set up AWS Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
  • Set up AWS Relational Database Service (RDS)
  • Connect AWS services through a Virtual Private Cloud
  • Create AWS security groups
  • Install Node.js and JavaScript packages on AWS EC2

Questions to Reflect Upon:

  • Do I need my own database, or will a third-party tool or service meet my needs?
  • Is my use case a better fit for an always-on server or using Serverless functions?

Learner Reviews

  • Jacob
    3 years ago
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    What did you like about this course?

    Very concise and clear. Good end to end example with AWS services.

  • Tomi
    4 years ago
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    What would make this course a 7 for you?

    Simple and straightforward course.

Course Content

40m • 10 lessons

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